Wednesday 15 June 2016

final images

I am really happy with my final images i feel they are in the style of Johnny Kerr and i really like the contrast within the images. I do feel the sky does was the images out a little. I felt comfortable when taking the images as i felt not many people were aware of the camera as i was shooting upwards. I felt the other shoots i did really did help with the progress of shooting my images and did make my images better as i could think about my images more and learn from my mistakes from the other shoots.

editing process for my final images

i only used basic editing when creating the style for my images as i didn't want to take away the authentically of the images, i started off by converting my images into black and white and then  i looked at doing curves and then on some adjusted the contrast as i wanted some lines to stand out more as the work of johnny kerr uses contrast to bring out lines and texture within his images.

third shoot

Here are some images from my final shoot and out of of these i will pick my 10 final images to edit as i want them to be black and white and have high contrast as i want them to be in the style of johnny kerr. I looked again at compostion within my images and looked at cropping within camera as i felt this gave the best result. I looked for unusual shapes that would create surreal images. I took a lot more images on this shoot as i wanted a range of locations for my final images. I looked for buildings that stood out or looking different to other buildings around me such as ones with different textures or different materials within the buildings as i felt these would stand out i chose to shoot around the area of the corner house and Trent uni as there are more unique buildings, the area was more quieter so i did feel more comfortable.