Thursday 29 October 2015

here we were asked to experiment with both shallow and large depth of field around The Arboretum in Nottingham these were shot in black and white as this made the photos more atmospheric and helped me look more at tonal ranges. I experiment with a small aperture that gave me a shallow depth of field which created a blur in the back and created one center piece in focus.This is good for when you want someone to focus on one thing within the photo with out to much going on in the background distracting the person. i really like the first photo i took as i really like how the bright the flowers are within and also the leaves towards the bottom are out of focus this was shot with an aperture of  f.5.6 which let in a lot of light, i also like how the texture in the background is out of focus but still noticeable i also used my light meter when shooting this photo to get the right shutter speed to match my aperture. I especially  like images 7,9,14,15 as I like the shallow depth of field but there is still a lot of detail I really like image 7 as I stumbled across a random coca cola can standing up right and thought it would be a good thing to photograph with a shallow depth of field I wanted to get the logo in focus as it is something everybody recognises I'm happy I shot this in black and white as this made the white stand out even more I do wish I had used a shallower depth of field just so the background was more blurred to make the centre piece stand out more. I feel like the shallow depth of field creates a uncertain narrative to the image. i really like images 5,6,8,10,11 as these are all shot with a very large aperture with lets little light in creating lots of detail that's all in focus with  the images being black and white this made the tonal ranges stand out even more. These were all shot at an aperture between F.11 and F.13 I used a wide angle for my landscapes so non of it was distorted. I especially like image 11 as you can see some detail in the clouds I do wish I used a bigger aperture as I would of maybe of been able to get more detail in the clouds however that made the shutter speed really slow which would be hard to hold still without a tripod. image 12 was taking with a slower shutter speed however the sky is washed out and didn't have any detail.

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