Monday 23 November 2015

Research blog 4

Matthias Heiderich

Dan Sheperd

Liberto Macarro

Vanessa Marsh

ellen O'Connell

Claire A Warden

Michelle Rogers Pritzl

 this would of been created by using ambient light and studio lighting I think in this photo studio lighting would be used to light up the walls as they appear very light however I do think the light from the windows are playing a part in this too as I think this lights up the piano. These two studio lights would be set up on the left facing the piano and the right facing the back wall, the shadow on the corner of the wall is created by the piano


 This is lit by two studio lights one at the bottom of the stairs lighting up the bottom of the stairs and one on the banister these are not bright but are there to help the natural light be more vibrant which would create shadows in the middle of the stairs. I think these are used really well in this image as the shadows are a lot darker creating an more spooky atmosphere

Two studio lights would be used in the image both to lighten up the background one on the left and one on the right however the left one would be facing head onto the back ground where as the right on would be side on. The left would be on a lower setting than the right as you don't want to bleach out the back ground and still want the shadows, however the right light will be bright as you can see on the image her arm blends into the background.

This would be done by using just on studio light facing face on onto the bunkbed where the lightest part is i think the light bits at the top are created by ambient light as you can see the shadows of the trees from the outside i think the studio light has been used in this to help lighten some of the parts of the image.

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