Monday 16 November 2015

silhouette studio work

Here we looked at using a light meter to get the right settings for silhouette work. The first attempts we tried did not work,The shutter speed was to slow and as we did not have a tripod it caused camera shakes and blur. Also to start with the images where coming out to bright so we needed to change the aperture we did this by two stops we then continued to do this till we got the silhouette effect we needed.

here are the ones that work and i think were done really well i got the silhouette effect i wanted. It took a few attempts to do this as i had to change my settings a few times till i got what i need which where the settings f/14 1/30 of a second and an iso of 200. we got these readings by using the external light meter. and by having 3 lights  set up to strobe and one soft box. One along the back wall the soft box on the right of the subject and the other  strobe on the left. I really like how atmospheric the images are and how they appear 2d in some places however you can still see details such as the shape of the nose and eyelashes. I think the middle image is my best attempted at this as it is framed well and the shadow is really dark but it still has dimension to it. I also like how there is almost a vignette affect on the back wall created by the strobe facing the back wall creating more depth a more surreal feel to the image.

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