Wednesday 10 February 2016

contact sheets.

here are some of my possible images to use for my final shoot the ones i like are circled in orange as I  feel these may be possible contenders in my final images, I need to pick 12 final images for my assignment. In the ones I have chosen I really like the lighting as they are behind the subject. The venue was lit by purple light this made it fairly tricky to shoot as it was very dark in the location. I did try shooting some of the location around me as it was a very atmospheric and had a punk them running threw it which is what I wanted my theme to be threw my images however I felt I wanted to focus more on portraits even though I do like some of the images of the location. The ones with the red crosses next to I don't really feel they would be  right for my final images they ether are way to dark or do not match the theme or appear out of focus or too grainy as the iso was high. I really need to think about what images I need to print which i think would be most successful. There was a lot of blur in my images as there was a lot of movement. I did find choosing my final images a challenge.

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