Monday 8 February 2016

dark field and light field practice

Light field

Here i looked at creating light field photography after looking at my research i research techniques on how to achieve this look. To start i need a reflective object so i went for glass as this is a  clear reflective object i then set up the studio lights and the rest of the equipment i needed this consisted of one studio light with a snoot attached and two pieces  of black card one each side of the table i then attached the flash kit to the light and my camera and set them on the same channel which was one i  then set my camera settings to iso 100 f5.6 and 1/2 of a second i used a manual focus as i wanted my images to really clear and crisp. I think this shoot was a success as i did get the results i wanted it was fairly easy to do and set up to. I am really pleased with my images as i think they are clear and lit well. I especially like the ones with the clear and pink glass as this adds a burst of colour into the images and give a reflection of pink into the clear glass however i do feel i could of framed them a bit  better as some of them are not as central all framed as well as i would of liked them to be. I also had some of my other images turn out blury because as i was working in the dark it was hard to get the manual focus spot on. however i am really pleased with ones i did. Next time i would frame my images better and take more time with my framing,

I then went onto dark field which was the same set up the only difference was placing a black card where the white back ground was on the light field but leaving two gaps of light so the light channels round the glass almost sculpting the light these were shot with the same settings as the light field. I again had the same problem with someone of them on the manual focusing. I am happy with my images with this practice, they are effective and look really cool, some could of been framed at bit better again. I enjoyed doing the light field images more and do feel they worked better as they look so much more crisp than the others. They really stand out and are striking images i will defiantly use these skills if i even need to do any product photography in the future or if i want experiment with it in the future maybe with portraits,  

1 comment:

  1. I Like to add one more important thing here, The Light Field Market is expected to be around US$ 2095 Million by 2025 at a CAGR of 15% in the given forecast period.
