Monday 1 February 2016

Idea Development

 Here are some of the subjects i thought about while picking my idea for this assignment i felt these were the most that stood out to me and the ones i felt would be most successful. I really like architecture and at first did want to look at religious buildings around Nottingham. However i felt like i wanted to push myself into something i had not done before and try something new and out of my comfort zone.
 I then thought about looking at subcultures as it is something that interest me and i felt this was a more interesting root to go down. I chose to do punk as i find the way they look really interesting as they make a big bold statement and i feel they are very confident people. The history of the culture is really interesting to as it has been on going for many years the punks were the subculture of rebellion and i think this is also a feature i want to add into my images.
I then thought about thing i could look at to do with punks such as there clothing, hair and music I was originally going to do just one idea but then i thought about merging all my ideas into one and just exploring punk culture in general as it is such a wide subject and i find all of it very interesting and wanted to explore it further. I also wanted my images to strongly link in with music as music is such a big part of everyone's life now days, I thought about ways i could explore these themes and though about people i knew with a link to punk. I then found someone who had a friend who was the lead singer in a punk band and got in contact with him and he said i could go and photograph one of his gigs.

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