Thursday 28 January 2016

City Apeture

Here i focused on aperture when taking photos. Here i walked from Hyson green back into Nottingham town center it was interesting to see the contrast between both when it came to wealth as within a few meters there was a massive difference. The light wasn't very good this day so all by photos were shot at a setting ISO 400. I really like my first image as it was a very quick and random shot that turned out well.I like the way the image is framed and the textures in the image also i think there is a good range of tones in the image. I shot this at an aperture of 5.6 and chose my focal point of the two small windows. I really like how this turned out as the rest of the image is not really out of focus and you can still see the detail in the building. I do like the framing in this image however i maybe would of liked it more if the building was in the whole frame or so i had more sky in the image. I also like image 15 as i like the angle i shot it at, as it is a side on shot showing the demolition of part of the building.This building is abandoned and covered in graffiti which i think makes the images very atmospheric and again by shooting in black and white adds to this. This was shot of a small aperture of f/11 which let me get everything in focus and the detail i wanted. I used a shutter speed of 125 of a second which was fast enough to freeze the cars still in my image. I think it would of also looked quite interesting using a slow shutter speed and getting a motion blur from the cars where the building is stood still this could create a spooky feel to the image this is what i would do if i was to recreate the image again.

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