Thursday 21 January 2016

Colin Gray

This series "In sickness and in health" is done by Colin Grey the series all together includes 47 images focusing on health in old people and the way this effects people. These's are really stunning images as the are full of emotion and are really striking images, The images are light and most are of the colours in the are pastel which are faded colours which may link to the message about people fading away as the illness get's worse.I really like the depth of field in these images as he has used very shallow depth of field in some of his images this creates some amazing effects to the images as it completely changes the mood of the images as he doesn't focus on faces.He focuses on other objects in the image to be in focus such as the flowers in the bottom right image i really love how this is shot and framed how the flowers are so clear yet the man is not he is in a deep blur creating a fading feel towards the man.i also like how this is framed by having the two tiny flowers where his eyes would be if he were to be in focus this also may resemble a feeling of replacement as flowers are something you get when you die. By having such a shallow depth of field this creates a lot of dimension to the image and perspective.These images have so much emotion in them which makes them very inspiring and they also great in camera techniques and you can tell a lot of thought have gone into these images.

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