Thursday 21 January 2016

William Eggleston

William Eggleston is an american photography and focuses very much on colour in his images, his images have a very artistic feel to them with the way they are formed and framed. i find the colours interesting in these as they are bright yet appear pastel the images have a very 1960's feel to them by the style to them. They are strong striking images with the way they look. most of his work is of objects not really people his images tell a story without any people in them which I really like as it proves not every image needs people in them for a narrative or not every story is told in the eyes as many people think. His framing is done really well and you can tell he has really thought about it. he used a film camera which I really the effects it has given.  I love the vintage feel to the images. He has been called "The Genius in colour " for his strong and striking colours and as how colour was not used as such as aspect before William came along. His use of colours have been described as " near to the point of hysteria" as around this time it was such an outrages thing to be doing. I also love that his work has no clear or no narrative to them. These peaces are very abstract in the way they are formed with all the lines and compositions he uses, I also find the inspiring the fact he photographed real life and not just pretty things.

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