Thursday 28 January 2016

My Still lifes

these were done in the studio with a snoot and a soft box by having the snoot facing directly onto the objects this created glimmer to the objects the soft box created soft light on the objects too. we looked at moving the snoot around see how that changed the way the objects look with the lighting and lighting up different bits of the object we connected to the flash kit to the soft box. The objects we used were much like the kind of things that would of been used in the vanitas which was a still like painting done in the 16th and 17th century which usually used objects linked with decay and death  such as weltering flowers and skulls. Here we also wanted are images to look some what like a painting we did by are settings used. I did turn the snoot up at one point making the direct line of light brighter however i think this was disadvantage as i prefer the images darker as they relate more with the vanitas paintings as they looked for spooky and very soft. I feel by turning  up the snoot this washed my images out a bit to much. creating an affect  i didn't really like The light almost sculpted the objects making the look for bold.However i really like the different textures in the images.

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