Wednesday 11 May 2016

Politics within photography

political issues surround us in today's world photography is on the main way of expressing these issues as is a massive part of today's society. This can be used as a way to shock the world or can be as propaganda to manipulate opinions. Photography can be used as a way of portraying these issues in the media.Animal testing is a huge issues when it comes to today's society it has been protested against for many years. Using photography of what really happens within these labs to shock the world has been used a lot to protest against it and people feel people have the right to know what is really going on behind closed doors. Animals can be tested on for medical research to cosmetics. source says "People do argue for animal testing as they feel human benefits are made." (bbc ethics)  I strongly disagree with this point as I feel animals do have feeling and it isn't right they have no informed consent also there is so many ethical issues within this topic we are not exactly the same as animals so sometimes benefits are not  even proven towards humans I feel this is really not ethical.

Photography Is used mainly used a defensive to protest against animal testing however it could also be used a evidence to support research between labs however we never get to see this. So many images are used to protest against as it is such a massive issue this shows animals in such a defenceless way and in such shocking conditions this is all used to shock the world as this is the real hard true the images push boundaries as they are not what a normal photo would be that consist of elements of beauty this can appear offensive and upsetting to people when it is suppose to educate people.

CC-by-sa & rasos

when I look at this image I feel it does make me think more about the reality of animal testing as it isn't nessicarly something that crosses our minds when buying products.This image is very tame to other protest against animal testing.This is used more as a advertising pieces protesting against instead of a really offensive picture of what is reality.This pieces is used more to educate than shock people. However it is still quite upsetting as it is about beauty companies and I feel they have chosen a beautiful looking animal also the expression on the animals face shows emotions of defenceless and sadness.The image is very simplistic and spacious this makes you only focus on the main subject which is the animal and another else as there is nothing else to take you attention away. I also feel the way they have changed the name very cleaver as it gives a vey clear message that this is the reality this is how it really is. I find this piece very effective in a tame way it does not use the shock technique to educate people.

I find this image extremely uncomfortable to look at. This uses the shock factor to educate people but not in a violent way yet it still has the same effect in my opinion. By using dark colours this links with the dark truth of animal testing again the image is very simple and spacious so this is the only thing you focus on. They have used images layered together to create this shocking image however I feel it is very effective by making the dog smaller this also shows the power we have over animals not just in this subject but in general as they don't get a say in anything by making the animal the product the human is using this makes me feel really uncomfortable as it makes you hit reality that what you are using has been tested on poor defensive animals. This image does has an element of beauty however not in a good way as the only thing showing beauty in this is the woman as she has a full face of make up and looks just like what society labels as beautiful. This image is extremely shocking as it shows a really good example of the power we have over animals and the way animal testing is being used to test products and it is basically getting the message across that you are using these animals by using the products.

Overall when It comes to animal testing photography is used a lot to protest against as poster are made with photography within them. They are used to shock and educate people as this is a truly and unethical here are so many issues within in this subject it is hard to get the point across without being extremely offensive. Photography is a lot more powerful when it comes to educating people as it  shows more than words and shows a lot more. Photography is a lot stronger evidence than words and this is the strongest way of evidence when it comes to animal testing the only thing is its so hard to get photographs of the conditions they are as the labs are extremely confidential as they don't want us to see the truth so poster campaigns with different images place together are the best evidence we had at the minute. Also people remember images a lot more than words as it is a visual object. a sources says "The RSPCA has long campaigned against this use of animals. There are already more than enough cosmetics products available and thousands of existing cosmetics ingredients are accepted as safe. It is simply not justifiable to cause animal suffering to develop more."(RSPCA) this states that changes have been changed to some degree however animal testing is still a massive issue and how it is just not humane to injure and harm poor defenceless animals for are benefit I strongly agree with this as this is not ethical and animals do not have any informed consent.

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