Wednesday 11 May 2016

Portraiture within photography


  The definition of portrait photography is described as being a likeness of a person mainly of the face as a photograph, painting or drawing this creates a narrative or a memory of what a person looks likes although the narrative may not be clear at first glance.It can also be used in a more formal way as a way of identification. A more creative portrait must have a deeper meaning."a creative portrait must have some deeper meaning behind it. Usually, it’s personal to the subject, ironic to the viewer, or identifies something about the subject that you may not have otherwise have known." ( this point can be strongly agreed with as creative images and images to do with photojournalism does tend to relate more to  feelings and trying to get a message across it focuses more on the emotional side.

From Manchester UK Lee Jeffries is a portrait photographer who originally photographed sporting events until he met a young homeless girl on the streets and it changed his approach to photography forever. "The photographer knew that the young girl had noticed him but his first reaction was to leave. He says that something made him stay and go and discuss with the homeless girl. His perception about the homeless completely changes. They become the subject of his art." ( he describes his work as definitely not photojournalism.

This image is truly stunning with the amount of detail within it, it shows elements of beauty even though that maybe something that is not normally associated with the homeless.The woman appears to be posing for the camera which may show she does want to portray beauty.There is so much detail within the image showing the element of age and wisdom in some way.The image is clearly staged which means she was comfortable around the photographer.This 24mm lens which is a wide angle lens which allows you to get in all this detail.This image is also shot at f/5 which gives it a massive depth of field creating the beautiful blur around the woman which could be seen as her dreams around her.

I really like the way Lee Jeffries speaks to the subject before taking the photo this makes the subject a lot more comfortable around the camera it gives a connection between the photographer and the subject which is portrayed within the images. He has chosen to photograph homeless people as he wants to sway public opinion of them by getting to know them he chose to do portraits of just the face as he did not want to create photojournalism . He infuses his images with light which could also have a connection with the glimmer of hope they have with getting into a home or some kind of accommodation. "I think Jeffries intended his art to honor these people, not pity them." this point can be strongly agreed with as the way of images are shot with the light as it looks they have a element of glory within them or a glimmer of hope.

Angus McBean was a welsh photographer he photographed some really famous people from Audrey Hepburn to Marilyn Monroe his work has been displayed in the national portrait gallery. He was very famous in the era of vintage film and the rise of the cinema. As his work was done in the 1904 to 1990 it was all done in black and white film which meant there was way these images could be manipulated or changed in any way they could only enhance shadows and highlights within the darkroom.  In 1935 he opened his own studio; and his prominent style was soon being published in glossy magazines.

This image is really beautiful and the light in the image is so soft the image is clearly staged yet it is natural surroundings.The way the image is so light reflects the elegance of Audrey Hepburn who was a style icon this also connects with the flowers within the picture giving them a feminine touch to the image this image also has a element of romance within which is also created by the way the light is in the image. This image shows natural beauty of her as there was no way of manipulation with this image as it was shot in film also meaning the image has been well thought out to get this beauty within the image using light. This photo was not used in any way to educate people it was to show of beauty it is meant to be beautiful to the eye as Audrey was and that is how people saw her and i think it really achieves it with such simple elements as it only really uses light to do so.

Portrait photography is used mainly to show beauty or to be appealing to the eye however some can be used to tell a narrative a story behind the person something that the view may not know or to make you feel some kind of emotion this tend to be linked with photojournalism as this is a good way to sway public opinion.The main focus when it comes to portraiture as you can see with the two images above is the eyes and that's what makes a portrait there needs to be emotion or a glimmer in the eye to add emotion into the image also light is a massive thing when it comes to portrait photography as it brings out features on the face by the way it sculpts the face or to highlights main features. It can also be used in a formal way as of identification or a way to create a memory of what a person looks like however it is more associated with showing off beauty and features of the face as it is a massive thing today within the media as portraits can be seen everywhere.


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