Wednesday 11 May 2016

Visual communication Research blog 3 Nicolas Ruel and Yongjun Qin


Nicolas Ruel was is a Canadian photographer born in 1973, he studied photography and national relations, His first work was published in in 2000.  In  2007 he started a series featuring the images above called "8 seconds" this focused on double exposures this series ran from 2007 to 2015 and consisted of so many images. This has featured in single and group exhibitions, in Canada, Europe and the USA. These are printed onto big stainless steel sheets.

I find all of these images really appealing as they are all so vibrant and there is a lot of colours within every image. They are amazing pieces of fine art photography. He has traveled to cities all around the world from London to New York i think this shows Nicolas ambition within his work and what he wants to achieve. By using a long exposure of 8 seconds he has been able to create these almost dream like images. I really like how some part of the image look transparent almost they are a vision or something someone was has imagined.  The composition of all these images is done well as a lot of them consist of rule of thirds. They are also shot at a wide angle so you can get more cityscape within the image. I really like these images as i feel they are a unique way to look at the world these images create a dream like effect which is very calming. In my opinion i feel these images are so appealing and it does make you want to go and visit the city.  He said he wanted to photograph familiar images to exposure there hidden architecture and i really feel he has pursued this.  I also really like the way he has printed on stainless steel sheets as it would give more feeling of dimension and time. As a series i feel these images work well together as they are all very similar get so unique when they stand alone.

these images are extremely dark and have a dismal feel to them, they are also quite surreal, the depth of field in some of these images are truly amazing this creates an atmosphere and adds a erey feel it,  these images don't really have a narrative within them so you have to really think about these images. The composition in these images are done really well as this bring your eyes into the picture rule of thirds are used quite a lot within his images , this adds structure to the images, this images mainly focus on depth and dimension which creates an atmosphere to the images. I feel these images are very strong when it comes to emotions and surrealism.

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