Wednesday 8 June 2016

learning agreement

Clients name:
clients address:
Photography location:
Photography date:                                 Start time:                                 Finish time:
Photos available to the client by:
Minimum of          photographs given digitally onto a memory stick.

                  1. The photographer to provide a 2 hour outdoor session with the outcome of 10 images presented digitally.
               2. The photographer will also provide a safe and                                                         comfortable enviroment to work in.
              3. the client will assist and cooperate in getting the shots they so desire if needed.
             4. The child would not be unsupervised at anytime
             5. The parent shall be responsible for the child throughout the shoot
             6. The photographer shall provide the equipment for the shoot
             7. If the shoot is cancelled due to circumstances concerning ether party the shoot will be rearranged to suitable time and date for both parties.

I plan to shoot outside using an external flash with a white brolly to shoot through this will create soft light. I plan to shoot outside as i feel this would look more natural for this kind of shoot. I have discussed with my client and we agreed on using a chocolate cake. The images will have a natural feel to them as i want them to be candid and not staged. I will have a final of 10 images for client presented digitally.

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