Friday, 10 June 2016

street photography

Henri Cartier-Bresson 

I really like Herni Cartier-Bresson's work as i feel he captures things that are very unique that you don't normally see or take notice of.He manages to capture these unique moments in a way that makes you question what is actually going on in the image. I think his method of shooting would be sitting and waiting for the right moment to come along.This method can work really well however be really time consuming as what happens if the right moment doesn't come along, I really like his angels and compositions within his work. This shows strongly with the second image of the staircase and the bike i feel this has really shown his use of compositional elements as the way he has staged the staircase by giving it depth and the way the road curves again creating depth and shape to the image his images do not appear flat. Herni really did capture things out of the ordinary when it came to street photography which i really like as i find this makes him very unique.

Robert Frank

Robert Frank is a american photographer who did a lot of street photography especially around the subject of segregation within america as this was a massive issue. The first image i have chosen shows the segregation clearly as the white people are at the front of the bus and the black people are at the back. The second image breaks the rule of segregation as you can see a white woman and a black man conversing in conversation. This image was very out of the ordinary and different as this was frowned upon around this time. I really like the way his images have been staged and how they look there is a clear message within them. The first image i find really striking as i really like the way the image has been composed at it is split up into sections by use of rule of thirds and use of lines within the image this again links back with the context of segregation.

Weegee worked in Manhattan NY and is known for his stark black and white photography during the 1930's and 1940's he created a unique style by following around the emergency services documenting their activity most of these were murder and crimes. I do find weegee's work is really unique as it looks at aspects people tend to stray away from when doing street photography. His images state the good hard truth without trying to make a pretty image he was not afraid of what people would say about his images.

Image result for garry winogrand

Gary Winogrand was a street photographer from New York who was a famous street photographer who photographed the streets of New York however he took images of things unique on the streets. He was interested in thing that didn't seem normal. I really like this method as it makes his work extremely unique his style is also very candid. I also really like this method as it is new york thorough his eyes as he has captured his point of view on the streets and what stood out to him,i think that makes his work really personal.

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